Wednesday, January 26, 2011

BIlly Long: If government spending solved every problem, Obama would have spent us to Utopia by now

More thoughts from Seventh District Congressman Billy Long on President Barack Obama's State of the Union message:

"If government spending solved every problem the Obama administration should have spent us into utopia by now," says Missouri Congressman Billy Long (R-MO) on federal spending. "Last week, our government debt has passed $14 trillion, over $45,000 for every person. It is time to stop pushing catastrophic debt on our children and grandchildren. We need to eliminate wasteful government spending and focus on common sense reforms. Our government needs to balance its budget just like the families and businesses back in Missouri.


  1. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Well, CONGRESS pushed the great compromise that added another $TRILLION to the deficit in the next decade. So, Billy, if digging a hole would solve the problem--instead of just burying us deeper and deeper--we would be in China by now. Maybe we are: Without them, the U.S. would be in a depression. Fed up? Yes, with Washington hypocrisy on BOTH sides.

  2. Wow, Billy Long is good with a sound bite, and while I would never defend Barack Obama in this matter noting his damage in office with an escalating debt, Long seems to forget Republicans (neocons) lost their way in 2002 and began irresponsible spending too. Now Long has befriended many of these big government Republicans he once claimed to be fed up with. If Republicans forget this truth of their past sins and roll back spending to their evil spending daus, no process will ever be made in attacking the national debt. So what's your plan Billy? Do what Republican leadership tells you and go out of your way to find a mic and a camera for a cute sound bite? Or do you have solutions that make serious cuts to this deficit including upsetting the Republican establishment and demanding everything including defense spending be cut?

  3. Anonymous8:12 AM

    If he is truly fed up then he should lead the charge to get rid of all the perks congressmen get. Cut their staffs, do away with their fantastic retirement system where they can retire after two terms with a lifetime salary and their own wonderful health care. When he does that then I will feel he is really working for the people. However it will never happen, especially from Billy.

  4. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I am assuming that this means Billy will now be openly campaigning against Medicare Part D? Remember, his Republican buds passed that one a few years back with absolutely not one shred of attempt to pay for it. It costs 800 billion dollars every 10 years.

