Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Billy Long: Watch out when Obama uses that code word "investment"

Prior to attending his first State of the Union message, Seventh District Congressman Billy Long warned about President Obama using code words like "investment:"

"He'll talk about creating jobs and I think the way to create jobs is get the government out of the way," says Long. "I don't think we'll hear much about that. I think they might try and do more stimulus. They might have code words for it such as investment. President Obama, I like about 80 percent of what he says, but dislike about 80 percent of what he does."


  1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Come on Billy you heard that from someone else, don't try to make it sound as if it was your idea.

  2. Those are talking point, Anon 8:34,

    Vicki Hartzler is using the same phraseology in her statement also, reported elsewhere here on the Turner Report.

    B"ased on his State of the Union address Tuesday night, he says he is, too, but I have my doubts. He talked about spending cuts at one point and then, with the next breath, called for more “investments,” which is code for more “borrowing and spending."
