Saturday, January 15, 2011

FBI interrogation of anti-Billy Long blogger receives national attention

The fallout continues after a visit from the FBI and Greene County sheriff to the home of Clayton Bowler, the creator of two websites that have been highly critical of Seventh District Congressman Billy Long (including one titled "Long is Wrong").

The interviews took place in the aftermath of last Saturday's shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Arizona, in a Tucson grocery store parking lot during a meeting with constituents. After that, congressmen and staffs provided FBI with names of those who might be considered threats. Long or his staff (or both) apparently placed Bowler in that category.

Since then, the news has been picked up in various regional sources, but has also gone national on the Drudge Report and Glenn Beck's radio show (which in keeping with its host's prejudices, described Long as a Democrat).


  1. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Glen Beck never lets the facts get in the way of how he spins a story. How can he justify getting Billy's party wrong. Does he ever do any research before he opens his mouth.

  2. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Yes, Long is a Democrat and KSRP is a tv station in Springfield. Oh brother...
