Thursday, January 20, 2011

Radio host Michael Savage criticizes Billy Long, likens interview with blogger to Gestapo tactics

A few days after Glenn Beck criticized the FBI's questioning of Clayton Bowler, a blogger who has offered constant criticism of Seventh District Congressman Billy Long, and labeled Long as a Democrat, another well-known conservative radio talk show host seems to have failed, whether intentionally or not, to recognize Long's party affiliation.

Michael Savage simply failed to mention that Long is a Republican during a segment in which he criticized Long and several Democrats for what he deemed as violations of people's First Amendment rights in the wake of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.

Savage even went as far to lump Long in with the "vermin of the left."

Ironically, Savage spends a considerable amount of time in this segment, bragging about how intelligent he (Savage) is.


  1. Anonymous5:48 PM

    This is too funny..the hate radio ilk does'nt care if Billy is a conservative they will just lump him in to the liberuls. The bad press for our jerk congresman is priceless.

  2. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Well at least both sides of the aisle have come to an agreement for once, that Billy Long is worthless.
