Saturday, January 22, 2011

Silver Dollar City honcho drops $10,000 into Schweich campaign account

Tom Schweich has just barely begun his four-year term as state auditor, but he is already attracting contributions for his re-election.

Documents filed with the Missouri Ethics Commission indicate Schweich received $10,000 from Peter Herschend of Silver Dollar City, and $4,000 from Emerson's Missouri Responsible Government Fund.


  1. That's why I don't go to Silver Dollar City.

  2. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Busplunge, I have lived in Kirbyville since 1990 and in the area all my life, last time I went to SDC was in 1965. I'm ashamed to admit to that.

    If they can't buy their way through life they wouldn't know what to do.
    Dave Rust
