Saturday, January 29, 2011

Steelman: It's the spending, stupid!

In her latest op-ed piece, former State Treasurer Sarah Steelman, a candidate for U. S. Senate, criticizes President Barack Obama's State of the Union address:

Forgive me please, but to paraphrase James Carville, "It's the spending, stupid!"

Our nation is facing its highest debt levels since World War II, our economy remains stagnant and stalled, and family incomes continue to fall. The "stimulus" failed horribly, Obamacare is already sending premiums skyrocketing, and the CBO just yesterday said our deficit is even worse than previously thought.

The big government policies of President Barack Obama and the Democrat-controlled Senate have killed jobs, pushed us to the fiscal brink, and wrecked our economy.

Yet the only idea that the President put forth in his State of the Union speech was more spending. It is spending that is the problem, Mr. President.

The genius of America has been her faith in her people - not in government. This country will prosper again if we return to pro-growth and fiscally responsible policies. But it's going to take hard work to get us back on track.

Your voice and your power is needed more every day in this fight to save our country, my friends. It is as plain as the nose on your face: This President and his Democrat allies in the Senate like Senator Claire McCaskill want to take and spend your money to grow government and take your freedom.

We know we can do better, but the fight must be joined by all of us to make it happen. Your contribution to this campaign is your voice being heard. Our future is at stake. It is up to us.

It is Our Freedom and Our Fight. Please visit my website at to make a donation of any amount. I am very grateful for your support and together we can make the difference.


  1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    It's the stupid spending, Steelman.

  2. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Let's see- were you for or against the extended tax cuts for the rich that will increase the debt by another $trillion, Sarah? AND do you think more people would be working if the auto companies and related industries had gone under? AND, wasn't it Congress that stole $2 trillion from Social Security? It's easy to criticize but it was the Republicans who cared more about tax cuts for the rich than fixing the national debt.
