Saturday, February 26, 2011

BIlly Long at Lincoln Days: We got the $100 billion cut

Seventh District Congressman Billy Long, R-Springfield, told those attending Lincoln Days in Springfield today "We got the $100 billion cut. It's like Bette Davis said, 'Fasten your seatbelts; it's going to be a bumpy ride."


  1. Anonymous6:02 PM

    What an embarrassment...

  2. only problem is, it wasn't $100 billion, it was $61 billion.

    I guess if you tell a lie long enough you start to believe it yourself.

    But he voted for the NASCAR subsidy!

  3. Yeah, does Billy Long think we are stupid. They got nowhere near close to the $100 billion number. 61% is business as usual in Washington--good enough for some positive press in hopes you will forget the promise.

    Yes, Billy Long had something to do with the GOP not meeting its goal of $100 billion. He did vote to continue federal funding of professional sports teams in NASCAR.

  4. Randy, compared to last year's primary, Long doesn't appear nearly as healthy as he was during the campaign. Now think about that for a couple minutes considering, and then put some ear buds in and listen to him struggle to breathe during this speech. He is winded just getting to the stage, and he struggles a few times during this short speech for his breath to catch up. One has to wonder if the new Southwest Missouri Congressman is handling the stress of the job in a healthy manner.

  5. Anonymous7:12 PM

    What sort of voters elect someone like this to a position of leadership?

  6. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Don't worry about Billy-Bob's health. Only the good die young.
