Monday, March 21, 2011

Billy Long: Anyone would be a better president than Obama

Though it is unlikely he will throw his hat in the ring for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination, on this morning's KZRG Morning Newswatch, Seventh District Congressman Billy Long said, "Anyone would be a better president than Barack Obama."

Long also said Congress had not been contacted about the president's decision to launch military action in Libya.


  1. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Anyone would be a better Congressman than Billy Long.

  2. Anonymous7:22 PM

    What a embarasement to the 7th district...we deserve a lot better than this snake oil huckster.

  3. Anonymous7:29 PM

    You beat me to it.

  4. Anonymous7:39 PM

    I would like to stand Obama and Long next to each other and ask them questions. No comparison.

    Could you imagine having ol' Billy-Bob discussing foreign policy....oh the answers. Like a Palin/Couric moment. Could you see this guy on Meet the Press. God help us.

    He should just go away or at the very least just shut up.

    Billy, we're fed up with you already!

  5. Hey Billy, NOT anybody would be a better president than Barack Obama.

    Say, how do you keep a free market free?

  6. Anonymous4:13 AM

    My god I hope they invite BIlly Long on Meet the Press. I would love to see him there and then see the reaction from the idiots that voted for him.

  7. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Anyone but Billy Long would make a better president.

  8. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Stalin? Hitler? Che? Qaddafi? Bin Ladin? Anyone Billy?

    Do you have an intelligent thought in your head Mr. Long?

    I guess the special ed classes at Greenwood were just good enough for you to fool enough people that you had what it takes to be a Congressman.

  9. Anonymous5:06 AM

    You guys sure don't like his comments: because he's right. What a mess the presidency is father only went to the third grade and he was more capable than the president. I guess he had good teachers in his day.

  10. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I guess stupid is the new smart.
