Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hartzler: Drill, baby, drill

She didn't use the phrase in her news release, but Fourth District Congresswoman is ready to start drilling for oil:

As citizens of the 4th Congressional District cope with gasoline prices approaching $4 a gallon, Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler (MO-4) is calling for an all-encompassing oil exploration policy that includes opening of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and reversing the de facto moratorium on new offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

Hartzler is co-sponsor of a bill that would allow the United States to develop its energy resources in ANWR and use a portion of the federal royalties to fund renewable and alternative energy projects that are currently unfunded or are being funded with borrowed money. She also co-sponsors additional legislation to put the Gulf back to work by ending the de facto moratorium on drilling for oil in the Gulf.

“According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, there are 10.4 billion barrels of technically recoverable oil in Alaska’s ANWR,” said Hartzler. “That’s almost half of the total U.S. proven reserve of 21 billion barrels – That amount would provide one million barrels a day for 30 years. Opening ANWR to oil exploration would also create American jobs. According to expert analyses, ANWR energy production would create between 250,000 and 750,000 quality jobs in America. A study from the National Defense Council Foundation says the figure could be as high as one million new jobs.”

“Jobs would also be created if we end the de facto drilling moratorium in the Gulf,” added Hartzler. “While the moratorium that was imposed in May of last year was officially lifted in October, the Obama Administration continues to slow-walk the permitting process – imposing a de facto moratorium. According to the Obama Administration’s own estimates, the six month official moratorium on drilling cost up to 12,000 jobs.”

The ANWR legislation would be environmentally sound with energy exploration limited to just 2,000 acres of ANWR. In addition, the Interior Department would be required to ensure that exploration would result in no significant adverse effect on fish and wildlife, their habitat, or the environment.


  1. Anonymous3:42 AM

    Take the same amount of money and develop an alternative fuel. Gasoline and coal needs to be in our past, not our future. You can't get that through a republicans thick head.

  2. Larry Craig GOP Airport attendant7:42 AM

    The "drill baby drill" crowd could increase their credibility IF they'd include in their bill a provision that Alaskan oil would be used in the USA and not sold to China and Japan, as it is now. That they want to drill and sell to China shows up their domestic security rant as a bald-faced lie, and just an attempt to steal American national heritage in order to boost short term oil company revenues.

  3. Anonymous4:19 PM

    3:42, You seem to have all of the talking points but none of the answers. Just what alternative fuels do you propose?

    Let's see, convert food (grains) to ethanol; beyond that, what have you got to offer?

  4. Anonymous6:58 PM

    @ 3:42 try a google of altrernative fuels..and one day without Fox Vews..just a start.

  5. Anonymous7:11 PM

    the libtards are dreamers. Corn as ethanol is going to raise the price of everything
