Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hartzler to Reid and Do Nothing Senate: Pass a bill

Not that we expect what freshman House GOP members say to have any impact on the Senate, but nevertheless they're in a critical mood. From Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler's news release:

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler (MO-4) is expressing her frustration with Senate Leadership over its failure to pass a long-term bill to keep the federal government funded through the end of 2011. She has joined more than two dozen House Republican freshmen who signed a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, asking that he show leadership on this critical issue.

“The House has done what the American people sent us to Washington to do,” Hartzler said. “We have passed legislation that cuts out-of-control government spending. But the Senate has been AWOL, refusing to seriously consider a spending package that funds the government for the remainder of this year. It is time for Senator Reid to stop playing political games and to pass a long-term bill.”

“It was a lack of leadership that got us into the current budget situation,” added Hartzler. “The previous Congress failed to pass a budget for 2011, forcing new Members to deal with the mess left behind. We have come up with proposals that cut spending and create jobs, but the Senate will not do its job. Mr. Reid, pass a bill!”

The new Congress has passed two continuing resolutions to keep the government running. The current short-term spending package keeps the government funded through April 8th.

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