Friday, April 22, 2011

Blunt: It's okay to trim Medicare because it will only affect those under 55

You will have to listen to Roy Blunt and the host talk about their kids for more than one third of this audio clip, but during the remainder of the interview,Sen. Roy Blunt explains how trimming Medicare benefits is okay, because it will only be done to people under 55:


  1. Anonymous10:20 PM

    What a disgusting little man you are Roy.

  2. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Hey Roy, how about we take away all your gravy train benefits? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right big boy?

  3. Trent7:55 AM

    I lost all respect for Roy Blunt after he forgot where he came from and then decided to leave his wife and marry his lobbyist girlfriend. One clarification...Roy is no longer 7th District Congressman but Senator Roy Blunt--as much as it pains me to say it.

  4. Anonymous8:11 AM

    10:20 & 6:07, Thanks for offering your insightful solutions to the fiscal problems facing Medicare.
    Now get on down to the coffee shop and run your mouths as though you have the solutions to the world's problems.

  5. Sorry, I was living in the past with that Seventh District Congressman reference. I will fix that. Thanks.

  6. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Hey 8:11--- if Social Security and Medicare BOTH had surpluses do you know what you boil-sucking conservatives would do? You'd give Exxon Mobile another tax break and use money you borrowed from SS and Medicare to do it.

    Then you guys would spend a lot of time telling the American people that these programs are ponzi schemes and will never work. You'd fail to mention how many times guys like Blunt borrowed money from these funds to help his rich friends.

    I got two words for you maggots and it ain't happy birthday.

  7. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Of course Bond is okay with it because he has such a sweetheart deal with his congressional package. He doesn't have to worry. Let us pull that package and then talk about SS and Medicare.
