Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Missouri GOP: Chameleon Claire talks like a conservative, buts vote like a liberal

Hitting on a new nickname that seems destined to last well into the 2012 campaign, the Missouri Republican Party jumped on "Chameleon Claire" Monday. From the news release:

The Wall Street Journal today takes Claire McCaskill to task for hiding political maneuvering to cover up her tacit support for cap-and-tax (see below). While McCaskill has claimed to oppose cap-and-tax, her record belies her rhetoric. Every time she has had an opportunity to support a real attempt to prohibit the EPA from regulating CO2 without Congressional authorization, she has balked—most recently, she voted against an effort to reign in the EPA last week.

Sadly, McCaskill’s deception is nothing new. On issue after issue, McCaskill has said one thing and done the exact opposite:

· She talks about fiscal responsibility; then she rubberstamps Obama’s waste-laden $787 billion stimulus bill, Obamacare, and bailout after bailout.

· She claims that “everything’s on the table” for spending cuts; then she criticizes Republican spending cuts meant to put the nation back on the path towards fiscal sanity.

· She claims that Congress should reevaluate the individual mandate in the health care law, despite the fact that she cast the deciding vote to force the law on the nation.

· She lectures federal employees who don’t pay their taxes despite owing $320,000 in property taxes on her private plane.

· She advocates for transparency but refuses to release tax records that could prove once-and-for-all whether she profited by billing taxpayers for her travel.

Please consider the following quote from Lloyd Smith, Executive Director of the Missouri Republican Party: “‘Chameleon Claire’ McCaskill talks like a conservative when she’s in Missouri, but she votes like a liberal in Washington. McCaskill knows that she cannot defend her lockstep voting record with Barack Obama, so instead, she has launched a campaign of deceit to attempt to fool Missourians about her liberal voting record. But the truth is, from cap-and-tax to the spending problem to health care to her own business activities and more, McCaskill talks the talk but certainly doesn’t walk the walk.”


  1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    So, what is any different from the time she first ran for office?

  2. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Are the left-wing liberals in the media still running to her door since she offered to jump out of that damn plane without a parachute?

    For a while, every time the Democrat side of the story was told, old Claire had her chubby cheeks (and I mean that in the kindest way) in front of the camera.
