Sunday, April 24, 2011

MSSU left Hanrahan off fall schedule even before telling him he was fired

It was bad enough that Missouri Southern State University's award-winning publications adviser T. R. Hanrahan had to be fired for simply doing his job without fear or favor, but university officials found a way to stick it to Hanrahan even before firing him.

As the Southern Watch blog reported April 7, the new fall schedule, which was published long before Hanrahan was told his services were not needed any longer, did not list a teacher for the classes that Hanrahan had been teaching.

This was also two days after Chart advisor TR Hanrahan found out from the published fall schedule book that he is apparently being shown the door. The Chart hasn’t been in good stead with the administration because it did its job and reported all the (expletive deleted) going on.

The signal is unmistakable. Even if you do your job well, if you disagree with the Dream Team, you will be punished.

No one deserve to be treated the way MSSU officials treated T. R. Hanrahan.


  1. Anonymous9:50 AM

    What a bunch of cowards:

    Speck, Anglin, Yust, Parsons,Rod Anderson, Richard Walters,Dwight Douglas, Charles McGinty,Sherry Buchanan, Nancy Perry, Lynn Ewing (are you happy now, Lynn?)David Jones... These are names that will live in infamy...
    Are we going to have to add to this list Carol Stark and M. Beatty?

  2. Anonymous9:52 AM


  3. Anonymous10:00 AM

    hopefully not

  4. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I feel terrible for Hanrahan.He was the last thing worth cheering for at that school. Communications enrollment will fall dramatically.

  5. Horse Sense10:44 AM

    Aside from just saying how terrible they feel and how sorry they are for Hanrahan, why doesn't anyone do something about it? Take some action? Mobilize the troops.

  6. Anonymous11:18 AM

    yeah.... what is the Chart going to do? the Globe? (Ha! freedom of the press, Globe! what happened to your principles and values...)what's the Communication department going to do?
    the students...

  7. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Speck seems to be appropriately named. He is just a speck of a decent human being.

  8. Anonymous12:55 PM

    ***even more.

  9. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Where the hell is the Globe? I can't get my head around the ineptness of the local paper.

  10. Kelly3:03 PM

    I've been in TR's class all semester. He's one of the best teachers I've ever had. I love his class and more than a good teacher, he's a great person to be around. He'd do anything for his students. He loves this school. Personally, I would hope that the Chart--at least--would strike until their advisor is reinstated. It's the least they could do.

  11. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Where was the department head in all this?

  12. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Well sad to say this, but MSSU can do what it wants with its resources. However, if one was particularly upset about this, then a person can appeal to the state stating that as a state funded school, MSSU is violating Article 1, Section 8 of the Missourian Constitution. But in this day in age, who really wants to make that effort, that passionate time consuming effort to fix what is wrong?

  13. Anonymous12:08 AM

    anonymous 5:06:

    The last time I checked, Dr. Moorman was still the department head in communications. It doesn't surprise me something like this would happen under his watch. That man has as little regard for students as Speck. When I was in school there, he treated students like what they were to him: serial numbers on a role sheet. He also likes to make sure he stays in good with the powers that be. It should be no surprise that Speck found a willing "yes" man in that damn fool Moorman.

  14. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Dr. Moorman is a perfect example of waste of resources at MSSU. As best I can tell, and many others, his only job is to kiss Speck's ass.

    Compare this to Hanrahan who led students in discovering their investigative souls.

  15. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Maybe MSSU will hire Randy.

    Tee hee hee.

  16. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Dr. Moorman was a poor substitute for Richard Massa. I dealt with them both personally when I was a student and always thought Moorman was one of those all style no substance types. He was also a supreme kiss up, which is why he ended up being department head. As much as I like Richard Massa, I think that one of his biggest mistakes was giving that clown the opportunity to impair a department that he had just spent nearly 30 years building.

  17. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Dear Dr. Moorman,

    "Looky here, son, I'm no loud-mouthed schnook. Lookit here son, I say son, did ya see that hawk after those hens? He scared 'em! That Rhode Island Red turned white. Then blue. Rhode Island. Red, white, and blue. That's a joke, son. A flag waver. You're built too low. The fast ones go over your head. Ya got a hole in your glove. I keep pitchin' 'em and you keep missin' 'em. Ya gotta keep your eye on the ball. Eye. Ball. I almost had a gag, son. Joke, that is."

    Best regards,

    The MSSU Student Body

  18. Anonymous5:03 PM

    T.R. will be OK, although right now I imagine he is pretty miserable. But he is an excellent teacher and a great person, and he will have no trouble landing a much better and more lucrative position elsewhere, hopefully near his wife and house. As for MSSU, they are clearly going to have problems unless they can find a candy ass journalism instructor who will kiss butts and do the wrong thing. I have to hand it to Brennan Stebbins for being a courageous journalist - but his father, bless his heart, was much more cautious, plus he had a way of working with difficult people, like Leon. They will NEVER find another Chad, nor another T.R. Nobody decent would dare come there. They might find some new, fresh recruit with meager qualifications, but they would also chew them up and spit them out in a year.
    As for Moorman, don't even ask.
    That man is a discredit to every possible profession I can imagine. He should be sent packing, but he won't be, because he is a kiss-ass and a buffoon who does nothing more than put in a few hours, go play tennis, come back, disappear down the back stairs and do whatever.And he has tenure. From what I hear, he was always late with paperwork and never hands-on with staff. I'm not surprised that Hanrahan was the last to know he was fired. That is the MSSU way. But of course Moorman knew it. Because he is the one who fills out the schedule. And the faculty probably knew it, because they have to approve the schedule. Chad probably knew it. Actually, I wasn't surprised to hear that T.R. lost his job - i was surprised it took this long. He is too good for them. And MSSU always eats its young.

  19. Anonymous8:56 PM

    5:03 is 100 percent correct except for one error. Hanrahan knew about this long ago.

  20. Knows TR well2:27 PM

    Hanrahan did NOT know about this long ago. He opened the schedule book in the open HLC meeting and saw STAFF teaching his classes.
    He was not surprised but seems hurt.
    And how did he react? By speaking up in that meeting while other staff kept their mouths shut.
    And he is at work each day, and usually smiling. And not much of the Facebook chatter is from him or Chart students. That should speak volumes about the man and what people think about him. It should say more to the Board of Govs. about how "truly popular" Speck is. And it should tell the Board how student centric this administration is NOT.
    He stands up for his students, The Chart and his principles. Hearnes Hall? Not so much.

  21. Anonymous7:20 PM

    What is that giant sucking sound? It is the sinkhole underneath the campus, sucking the life out of the place. Those who are left are suck-ups. So keep sucking…..and I hope you enjoy your cushy jobs, and your benefits, and your tenure, and that you can sleep at night. There has to be special hell for these people. There just has to be.

  22. Anonymous7:34 PM

    This is stupid..T.R. is an excellant teacher. The college has been going downhill for a long while, especially since speck came along.

  23. Alum Minium7:37 PM

    Speck will not last forever, but the legacy of laying waste to a promising State University will. He will be remembered by the thousands of students who passed through here under his rule as a villian, a light-weight, a man of small capabilities and smaller character, who reveled in playing the petty tyrant. Long after he's gone there will be stories told of what he did and how sad were the results.

    Those on the board and in the community who contiue to support Bruce Speck should at least be ashamed of themselves, and at best, revise their opinion and move to remove him.

    Good motto, by the way:
    "Move to Remove! No More B.S.!!"

  24. Mr. Dingle7:44 PM

    Faculty and staff should join the students on Wednesday in support of TR, and in protest of Dr. Bruce Schmuck's continuing habit of weighing in with personal retribution whenever his fragile dignity is, he thinks, besmirched.

    The best he's ever been was that period when he did nothing for six months but play at mixing with the movers and shakers (and felons?) of Kansas City. He had about as much chance of building a medical school as a duck has of building a cello!

    That effort failed, of course, as have all his "initiatives", except his only apparent talent, singing.

    He should sing. He should move to Branson and sing wonderful old favorites. And leave the dedicated professionals at Southern to make something fine out of the rubble he's leaving behind.
