Saturday, June 25, 2011

Richard appointed chairman of Senate Interim Committee on Natural Disaster Recovery

(From a news release)

Senator Ron Richard, R-Joplin, was recently appointed by Senate Leader Robert N. Mayer, R-Dexter, as chair of the Senate Interim Committee on Natural Disaster Recovery. The committee will focus on actions the Legislature should take to best assist Missouri residents and local governments as they recover and rebuild.

“As we have seen in Joplin and so many throughout the state have experienced in their own communities, the impact of a natural disaster is overwhelming and devastating,” said Sen. Richard. “This committee will work to make sure that the state is doing everything we can to assist these individuals, organizations, and local governments, and ensure that government is not getting in the way of recovery efforts.”

The Senate Interim Committee on Natural Disaster Recovery is comprised of three subcommittees that will focus on specific areas of response and recovery. Those subcommittees are: Emergency Response, Fiscal Response and Insurance Response. Each subcommittee will work with the appropriate administrative agencies in order to make preliminary reports to Sen. Richard before the annual veto session on Sept. 14. Senator Richard will also make sure the committee’s efforts focus on getting those who are unemployed back to work, both in affected areas and throughout the state.

“There are so many aspects to recovery and rebuilding efforts — from getting employees who aren’t currently receiving a paycheck back to work, to providing those without even the most basic necessities the things they need,” said Sen. Richard. “This committee will take a comprehensive approach to the issues facing so many communities in the state.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:07 PM

    This will give him something else to strut around about and not get much done about it.
