Monday, July 25, 2011

Billy Long compares Washington to Amy Winehouse

A Twitter account in the hands of Seventh District Congressman Billy Long can be a dangerous thing.

Long, who has had to remove other tweets after receiving negative reactions, hasn't removed this one, which was posted two hours ago:

No one could reach before it was too late. Can anyone reach Washington before it's too late? Both addicted - same fate???
Long was, of course, referring to the 27-year-old singer who was found dead in her apartment over the weekend and had a lengthy history of drug and alcohol addiction problems.


  1. Anonymous11:50 AM

    If this is what Billy said, he's correct in the comparison. The Winehouse event is tragic. The failure on the part of our leaders to save our Republic for future generations, can also be tragic.

    So Randy, what do you really think?

  2. What do I really think? I expect elected officials to avoid vulgar displays of bad taste, which is exactly what this is. There are many colorful comparisons that could have been used that would have made accurate descriptions.

  3. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Sugarcoat it Randy. That's why you need to be safe and secure somewhere; unfortunately the classroom.

    Your reasoning would be like me saying your band's music was a vulgar display of bad taste. It's not, but you could use some more practice.

  4. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Anon 1:40, 11:50. If Obama or McCaskill had tweeted the same thing, you would have gone absolutely through the roof. I dare you to say otherwise.

  5. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Instead of trumpeting tea party talking points, Boss Hog needs to concentrate on ensuring his constituents and Missouri interests are represented. Especially, in light of the scathing News-Leader editorial which basically, in so many words, told him to put down the chicken leg and get to work.

  6. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Once again, our esteemed elected Congressman shows all the tact and sensitivity of a mentally challenged rock. Someone give this man a turkey leg or a $30 steak for his latest turd, er, tweet.

  7. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Otherwise. There I said it.

    "Out of control" is more appropriate.

    The difference is that Obama and Claire apparently do not want to stop government spending at a rate of $4.1 billion a minute.

    The Winehouse tragedy is horrible. Easy access to drugs and an addiction. Unfortunately, many others died the same day with the same addiction and it is not reported.
