Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hartzler on Cut, Cap, and Balance: The people are demanding a balanced budget


  1. Anonymous4:52 PM

    The people may be demanding a balanced budget, but I promise you, the first legislator that votes for ALL the cuts that will be needed to balance the budget will be booted out of office in the next election. The people have no interest in the pain that comes with a Republican balanced budget.

  2. Anonymous1:36 AM

    amazing how republicans never said a word about this when bush was spending us into the poorhouse. it was ok then. hypocrites.

  3. Anonymous10:24 AM

    What people are they talking to....millionaires?

    The people want jobs and they want Congress to keep their g&# d@!*% hands off Social Security and Medicare.

    It's that simple. I work in customer service and what I hear from hundreds of people a week is fear of this Congress. NOT Obama, the Congress. This Congress has terrified the old people and the generation behind the elderly think they're doomed because of this Congress.

    This Tea Party experiment failed. These people should know that to vilify the poor and unemployed or anyone receiving "entitlements" during the worst recession (brought on by Bush) in our history is probably NOT a good idea. Again, who are they talking to? They cannot raise taxes on Rupert Murdoch but they can slowly phase out the working classes' safety nets one by one until the only living people left are the wealthy.

    Take Joplin for instance. Did they really want funding cut to FEMA and other emergency agencies? Really? That's how they voted when they overwhelmingly voted for Long and Blunt. Now things look very different.

    Let's hope it translates into kicking these weirdo Murdoch clones out of office. But with the usual Republican lying and flip flopping by the time the elections in 2012 come along they will want us to believe they're the entitlement champions. I figure Obama will beat them up with their own words and actions and it won't be hard to do.

    What will be hard to do is listen to anymore of their right-wing-rich-man crap.
