Monday, July 18, 2011

Missouri Republican Party: McCaskill still has plane problems

The Missouri Republican Party jumped on news that Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., filed amendments to her campaign finance reports related to the private plane problems she has had over the past several weeks. The news release is printed below.

Last Friday evening, the St. Louis Beacon reported on a flurry of “rare” amendments filed by Claire McCaskill revising several years worth of pervious campaign reports. In total, McCaskill added 72 pages of previously unreported campaign activity.

Included in these amendments was new information about the private plane that landed McCaskill in hot water earlier this year after it was revealed that she had failed to pay $320,000 in property taxes. These new amendments, related to previously-undisclosed political trips that she took on the plane, come just months after McCaskill claimed that her plane problems were “fixed.”

Please consider the following quote from Lloyd Smith, Executive Director of the Missouri Republican Party: “For someone who prides herself on being an auditor, lawyer, and government watchdog, Claire McCaskill sure does seem to make a lot of accounting and tax errors. First it was her use of taxpayer dollars for political trips; then it was her failure to pay $320,000 in back taxes on her private plane; now it is her failure to disclose thousands of dollars in campaign activities. It begs the question: what else are we going to learn about McCaskill’s plane, her tax problems, and the way she does business?”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:14 AM

    McCaskill Air is still operating. Just using different equipment.
