Tuesday, September 27, 2011

McCaskill poll: Millionaires and billionaires need to pay more taxes

In her latest fundraising pitch (the links mentioned in the letter below do not work), Sen. Claire McCaskill releases the results of a poll showing that the respondents believe working families should not be spending a higher percentage of their money in taxes than the rich.

The results are in, and 97% of respondents to last week's online poll agree with me: working families shouldn't pay a higher percentage of income in taxes than millionaires and billionaires to reduce our debt.

It's just common sense, especially at a time when we're fighting to save Medicare, Social Security, and other protections that many struggling families depend on. Knowing that so many people see it this way will be a big help in congressional negotiations.

But as we move forward in this fight, you can be sure we'll attract even more attention -- and attack ads -- from Karl Rove and the anonymous right-wing billionaires who support him.

We need a balanced compromise that includes the ultra-wealthy paying their fair share to reduce the debt. Rove and his cronies want a senator who the big special interests can count on to preserve unbalanced tax breaks and loopholes -- and that certainly isn't me.

To withstand their attacks, we need to stand together -- and an important deadline is fast approaching.

Click here to contribute $5 before our end-of-quarter fundraising deadline this Friday.

On September 30th, we reach the end of the fundraising quarter, and reports about how much I've raised are due. But after midnight on that day, I can no longer accept your contribution for this critical deadline.

Pundits will use this public report to judge how much support this campaign has. Reporters will use it to write stories about whether we have the support it takes to withstand the attacks. And Karl Rove will use it to determine whether or not to come after me with even more firepower.

So we've set a goal: 1,000 contributions by Friday at midnight.

It's a big number, but I believe we can reach it. We have to reach it to show our opponents and the voters of Missouri that we have the momentum to win. I need your support today.

Click here to contribute $5 now -- and help us reach our 1,000-contribution goal by Friday's deadline!

Thank you for standing with me,

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