Friday, September 23, 2011

Steelman: Dick Morris believes in me; he really believes in me

In her latest fundraising letter, former State Treasurer Sarah Steelman, a U. S. Senate candidate, touts the good things Dick Morris is saying about her, criticizes Claire McCaskill, and naturally asks for more money.

Thank you so much for your continued support to my campaign. The Public Policy Poll released Wednesday showed me leading Congressman Akin 40% to 29%. I am very encouraged that our message is resonating and it shows how fed up people are with the current way Washington is doing business. I was recently mentioned by Dick Morris on “Hannity” and in an article on The Hill, stating that he thinks I am the best candidate to be your next United States Senator. Your strong support has made this possible. I am so grateful to you and I will continue to campaign tirelessly for all that we believe in.

Everywhere across Missouri and the nation people are rising up and making their voice heard; a voice Senator Claire McCaskill repeatedly ignores, and a voice that I want to spearhead into the heart of a leaderless Washington.

Senator McCaskill has continuously voted for the failed policies of Barack Obama. She voted for the unconstitutional Obamacare, which Missourians are overwhelmingly against, and the 800 billion dollar stimulus. This is the same stimulus package that gave 500 million dollars of your tax money to the now bankrupt Solyndra. And McCaskill claims to be a “fiscal hawk” and a “watchdog” – she is neither.

While our country desperately needs jobs, Boeing is attacked by bureaucrats from the National Labor Relations Board prohibiting them from building a plant in a right to work state, as Senator McCaskill sits quietly on the sidelines, unwilling to take a position on the NLRB and right-to-work. This is simply outrageous!

Despite all of Senator McCaskill’s bad decisions and incessant double-talk, she continues to raise money from wealthy liberal celebrities to fuel her war chest. She will not stop until we send her back home on her fancy airplane.

I want to thank you again for your support in my campaign. Every contribution directly combats Senator McCaskill and her dream-killing, job-limiting, anti-growth agenda. Please go to and help me put a stop to Senator McCaskill and fight to get Washington headed in a positive direction by contributing $50, $100, $250 or any amount that you can afford. I promise to continue to campaign tirelessly for you as we take on Washington.

Thank you for joining our Fight for Freedom!

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