Thursday, September 29, 2011

Steelman: I'm armed and ready to go

(The latest sales pitch by former State Treasurer Sarah Steelman in her U. S. Senate race.)

He’s at it again… Barack Obama is coming back to Missouri for another campaign stop. He is attending a fundraiser in St. Louis hosted by Tom Carnahan (yes, the same Tom Carnahan that received $100 million in tax credits for his wind power company). Unlike in 2010 when he stopped in Missouri on behalf of then Senate candidate Robin Carnahan, we are less likely to hear “I need another vote!” from the President’s mouth, and more likely to hear “Thank you, Claire!” That’s because Barack Obama knows from experience that he can count on Senator Claire McCaskill’s continued votes for his failed, liberal policies.

Senator McCaskill can run from President Obama when he’s here in Missouri, but when she is in Washington she is his one reliable vote and has been since he was elected. McCaskill voted for OBAMACARE, TARP, the bailout, cash for clunkers, the $800 billion dollar STIMULUS, and raised the DEBT CEILING – spending money we simply don’t have. Now she is advocating tax increases in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression.

I’ve been all around this state listening to Missourians who are struggling to find jobs or make ends meet. They know that Washington is completely disconnected from them. We need to clean house in Washington and we need to start with Claire McCaskill. If you agree with these objectives, RESPOND to this email and let me know how you feel about the current state of Washington.

If you want a U.S Senator who isn’t afraid to rock the boat and stomp on toes then I'm the gal for you! As an economist and small business owner I understand how the economy works. As your former State Treasurer and State Senator, I fought for you. As a mother, I understand how worried you are about the future of this country for our kids. And as a conservative and your next U.S. Senator, I will fight until I drop from exhaustion to cut, cap and balance our budget, and help small businesses create jobs by eliminating regulations, cutting taxes permanently, and getting our country drilling for oil again. By the way, I believe that nobody, especially the government, should come between you and your doctor – Obamacare must go! My beliefs can be summed up in the words of Ronald Reagan: “Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem.”

And just so you know - I am 100% pro-life; I am a proud gun owner and an unapologetic supporter of the 2nd Amendment.

Please help me by joining our campaign to restore freedom in our country. I need your prayers and your energetic support to defeat Senator Claire McCaskill. We can do this – we have to!

Please visit my website at and sign up to receive regular emails to keep you updated on my campaign. It is up to us to fight for our freedom, and I am ready to go!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:03 PM

    OOOOHHHHHHHH, them blue eyes.......
