Monday, October 24, 2011

Schoeller announces bid for secretary of state

As expected, Rep. Shane Schoeller, R-Willard, announced today he is running for secretary of state. Following is a message to his supporters:

Today, with family, friends, neighbors and supporters at my side, I announced my candidacy for Missouri Secretary of State. I made this decision after months of thoughtful prayer, discussions with my family, and candid conversations with Missourians.

Over the past ten years, nearly every major issue facing our state has been impacted by the Secretary of State, including, human cloning, proposed tax increases, gay marriage, renewable energy mandates and burdensome regulations on Missouri’s agriculture industry.

But unfortunately, for too long, these important issues have not been handled in a fair manner. Instead, with liberal Robin Carnahan in charge, the Secretary of State’s office has been beholden to liberal special interests that have worked to use it to their political advantage. And, unfortunately, with liberal Robin Carnahan in charge, these groups have been extremely successful in advancing their special interest causes.

They have been able to write unfair ballot language on a wide range of issues, including last year’s so-called ‘Puppy Mill Cruelty Act.’ Fortunately for Missourians, Robin Carnahan has decided not to run for re-election.

And today, I am asking you for your support.

I’m running for Secretary of State because I want to safeguard the institutions that set America apart from the rest of the world: Democracy and Free Enterprise. The Secretary of State’s office is uniquely positioned to defend these sacred institutions because of its role in overseeing the election process, business regulations and securities oversight. It is time we restore the faith.

As Secretary of State, I’ll work to guarantee fair and accurate elections, make it simpler for employers to create jobs and protect Missourians from predatory investment practices. I will work to see that Missouri implements a commonsense photo identification requirement for voting. And, most importantly, I will stand up to special interests that want to play politics with this office.

Together, we can move past this unfortunate period in our state’s history. We can join together to ensure that conservative voices are not drowned out in the election process. We can work together to make it easier to start a business and ease the government burden on Missouri’s existing businesses.

Together, we can defend what’s sacred!

I hope you will join the cause by contributing to my campaign. A gift of $100, $50, or even $35 will help us spread our commonsense conservative message to all corners of this great state.

I hope you will also visit our website,, follow me on Twitter and join my Facebook page.

This campaign is about you, the issues you care about, and the state you hope to leave for the next generation. Join me today and, together, we can ensure the next generation enjoys the opportunities that we have been blessed with.


  1. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Aw jeez. Another Ashcroft - Blunt term-limited career pol looking to keep feeding at the public trough by pandering to the basest of bases.

  2. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Now Bus, there you go again. Pointing out that Shister Schoeller can't make a living in the private sector. Bless his heart.

  3. Anonymous6:42 PM

    There ought to be a law that you have to be at least 5' 10'' tall for a man to run for statewide office. Shoeller is about 4 inches short of being a serious candidate.
