Monday, November 21, 2011

Billy Long: The failure of the supercommittee is very disappointing.

(News release from Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

Today, U.S. Congressman Billy Long released the following statement on the failure of the Joint Select Committee to cut $1.2 trillion dollars from the federal budget over ten years as required by the Budget Control Act.

“The failure of the supercommittee is very disappointing. Disappointing but not surprising in an environment where the Senate hasn't passed a budget in over 940 days.”

“Our current spending level is unsustainable. We must reverse the massive spending and failed economic polices that brought us $15 trillion in debt and over 9% unemployment. The American people don’t have the luxury of waiting until after the next election for Congress to act.”


  1. Aw, never mind.

    You can't run against congress, Billy. '

    You are congress.

  2. Last night on "60 Minutes" Grover Norquist said he got the idea to brand the Republican Party as the party that would never raise your taxes, when he was just 12 years old and volunteering for the Nixon campaign. He says it came to him one day while he was riding home on the school bus.

    Just great. The entire Republican Party and our country are being held hostage to an ideology schemed up by a 12 year old boy.

    Ah jeez.

  3. Anonymous7:27 PM

    And your party has offered? You seriously need to lose some weight Billy you're looking more Boss Hog daily. Why did the 7th dist. elect this bafoon?

  4. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Dear Billy,

    The supercommittee idea is unworkable. They were trying to break out of the mess by being, in my judgment, even dumber — that is, creating a committee of 12 picked by the political leadership to magically get in a room to come up with something that 535 couldn't solve. It's profoundly the wrong direction.

    Best regards,

    Newt Gingrich

    P.S. Billy, get off your fat rear and find some cuts in government spending in the various committees you serve on.

    And, the word verification for this comment is 'fluck'. Is that ironic, or what.
