Friday, November 18, 2011

Cleaver: A big victory on jobs, but there is much more to do

In his weekly EC from DC newsletter, Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo, focuses on what is being done to bring jobs to americans:

We saw a big victory this week with the passage of H.R. 674. I cosponsored this legislation to protect small businesses from a 3% withholding on certain payments made to vendors by government. For many business owners who would have been affected by this mandate, the profit margin is often less than 3% and such a withholding would create significant cash flow problems. This legislation was originally intended to improve tax compliance, but the problems it would have created would have far outweighed any benefits: everything from day-to-day operations, as well as draining capital that could be used for business expansion and job creation. The Senate also attached an amendment to H.R. 674 that will give support to our veterans. The enormity of the sacrifice our men and women in the service make for us requires that we support them when they come home. It is the right thing to do.

The added provisions, included in the President's American Jobs Act, the Bishop/Murray Hiring Heroes Act and the VOW Act, will spur the hiring of veterans. These provisions give tax credits for businesses that hire unemployed veterans or veterans with disabilities connected to their service. The bill also provides all service-members with job training and skills they need to find a job as they begin the process of transitioning back to civilian life. Our servicemen and women are highly skilled and show tremendous leadership and courage overseas. We must now bring them home and welcome them with jobs and support. This vote was a victory for veterans, for small businesses and for our economy as a whole. Now, we must continue focusing on job, jobs, jobs. We must work together in Washington to get a balanced and fair deficit reduction plan that boosts our economy and continues to create jobs.

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