Thursday, December 15, 2011

Billy Long: Do-nothing Democrats blocking Republican job creation plans

Seventh District Congressman Billy Long says the Democrats are blocking GOP job creation efforts. I can't remember hearing anything about any such efforts. Can someone refresh my memory?

Today (Tuesday) Congressman Billy Long voted to create jobs, protect Social Security, and protect workers from a crippling tax increase by voting for H.R. 3630 the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011. The bill protects workers from a tax increase in January but unlike the Senate Democrats bill, refuses to raid the Social Security Trust Fund to pay for it.

“Unlike the Senate Democrats plan, which called for massive tax hikes, this bill's spending is offset with cuts to wasteful spending elsewhere in the budget,” said Long. “It protects our economy by protecting workers, cutting taxes, and cutting spending. Once again, the House has done its job, now it is time for the Senate to do theirs.”

The Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011 protects the Social Security trust fund by instead paying for the payroll tax withholding by freezing pay for government workers, including members of Congress, reforming programs that are riddled with waste, fraud, and abuse, and reduces subsidies for the wealthy. The plan will also reform and fully pay for the Unemployment Insurance program.

Because jobs are a top priority for Congressman Long and House Republicans, this legislation also includes measures that will directly support private sector job creation, including the Keystone XL energy pipeline and blocking the Environmental Protection Agency’s job destroying boiler MACT regulation.

“Time and time again, President Obama and the Do-Nothing Senate Democrats have blocked Republican efforts for job creation,” said Long. “It is time for them to stop playing politics with our economy and support common-sense bills to help get people back to work by getting government out of the way. Americans can’t wait until the next election for the Senate and the President to act.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Maybe if Billy and the other neo-cons were not beholding to Grover Nordquist the would have the courage to raise taxes on the wealthiest one per cent. But no they blindly follow the philosophy that a Grover came up with when he was twelve years old. What a joke the GOP have become.
