Friday, December 16, 2011

Lager: Term limits needed for all statewide officials

Despite increasing evidence that term limits have been a disaster for Missouri, Sen. Brad Lager, R-Savannah, has pre-filed legislation that would mandate term limits for the lieutenant governor, secretary of state, and state auditor. He explains the legislation in his latest newsletter:

State Sen. Brad Lager, R-Savannah, has prefiled Senate Joint Resolution 26, which seeks to extend term limits to all elected officials in Missouri.

“Missouri has held term limits for the governor and members of the Senate and House for some time now,” Sen. Lager said. “Our founders envisioned a government that was run by citizen volunteers, not professional politicians. These limits ensure that Missouri remains a state run by fresh volunteers to public service, not entitled career politicians.”

Currently, a person can serve eight years in the Missouri Senate and eight years in the Missouri House. The only statewide offices containing term limits are the offices of governor and treasurer, at a maximum of two terms. Senator Lager’s proposal would extend these terms to the positions of lieutenant governor, attorney general, secretary of state and auditor.

“Term limits should not apply to only half of our government,” Sen. Lager said. “Missouri is best served by a system that promotes fresh ideas and encourages participation at all levels of government. Political participation and public service should not be limited to the few, but should be available to all. Nearly two decades ago, Missouri voters placed elected officials under our current term limits. The voters chose to end the practice of career politicians and no office should be held to a different standard.”

On Nov. 3, 1992, Missouri voters approved — by a margin of 75 percent — an amendment to the state's constitution (Article III, Section 8), limiting the years a legislator may serve in the General Assembly. Prior to this provision, Missouri had no legislative term limits.


  1. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Republicans don't have fresh ideas, only ignorant ones.

  2. Anonymous8:27 AM

    The legislation, titled "Provide a Future Election Opportunity for Brad Lager" is designed to give the soon to be term-limited Senator another chance to receive taxpayer's dollars.

  3. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Bradley, you nitwit, that's not what the voters wanted and decided.
