Thursday, February 23, 2012

Nieves bill would allow students to abandon public schools for virtual, charter schools

In his latest video, Sen. Brian Nieves, R-Union, explains SB 735, which he says would expand choices for Missouri families by allowing students to attend virtual schools and charter schools. When a politician talks about choice in education, it almost always means another attempt is underway to undercut public education.


  1. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Because public education has done such a great job in Kansas City in educating kids over the last 30 years? Come one, let the poor kids get away from the corrupt and inept district and go somewhere they can learn to read and write.

  2. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I'm grateful my kids graduated before these people tried to ruin the public school system.

    Anonymous #1 is going to be very sorry when he/she finds out that he/she will be paying for the private school system out of his/her own pocket and that it doesn't do any better at teaching (actually I've seen some things that indicate they don't do as well).
