Monday, February 13, 2012

Steelman: Obama budget is bad for America

(From the Sarah Steelman campaign)

President Obama released his $3.8 trillion dollar budget for fiscal year 2013. This projected budget marks the 4th straight year of $1 trillion dollar budget deficits. Obama's plan shows no signs of cracking down on federal spending and no real effort to address the $15 Trillion dollar national debt.

Claire McCaskill and her senate allies continue to accept Obama's proposals and have stated they have no intention of passing a budget on their own, despite not having fulfilled this basic constitutional duty of Congress in well over 1000 days.

Sarah Steelman, candidate for United States Senate and strong proponent of fiscal reform made this statement:

"President Obama's budget proposal is fiscally irresponsible and outrageous. Claire McCaskill and Obama, along with the rest of the senate democrats, sat and watched as our credit rating dropped last summer because of our debt outlook. And what do they do? Spend more money that we don't have. This fiscal irresponsibility has produced massive debt and meets the definition of insanity—and it isn't going anywhere! We must start making the tough choices to cut back our federal government and we must start now!"

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