Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Akin: Obamacare will saddle our children with debt

Congressman Todd Akin, a candidate for the Republican nomination for U. S. Senate, issued the following news release about the Supreme Court hearings on the federal health care program:
Congressman Akin, a senior member of the House Budget Committee, released this statement in response to today’s closing arguments before the Supreme Court regarding the President’s unconstitutional, so-called, health care plan:

 “I am hopeful the Supreme Court will strike down the individual mandate as being blatantly unconstitutional.  In the 111thCongress, the Democrat controlled Congress could not fulfill their constitutionally mandated duties and pass a budget, but they instead focused their energies on forcing the Administration’s liberal health care plan through Congress and down the throats of the American people.
 “I voted for the full repeal of Obamacare at the beginning of this Congress and have supported meaningful tort reform and the repeal of the bureaucratic Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB).  Obamacare makes health care a burden that will further shackle our children with debt and exacerbates the problem of high health costs.  I hope the Supreme Court’s decision will result in striking down the individual mandate.  American taxpaying citizens have responded overwhelmingly that they want choice, and if reason and justice prevails they shall have it.”


  1. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Akin is scary

  2. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Homer Simpson with a combover.

  3. Anonymous6:39 PM

    No one has ever explained to me how it will cost so much money. If everyone is insured and paying premiums, cost to the taxpayer would drop as the insurance company would pick up the tab. As it is now, uninsured peoples health care is picked up by the taxpayer through Medicaid and Medicare as they had no choice but to go on assistance. Explain the cost to me please.
