Monday, March 19, 2012

Missouri caucus arrangement between Romney, Ron Paul supporters explained

Who knows how many Missouri delegates any Republican candidate walked away with Saturday after the caucuses. In this video, Eli Yokley, Webb City, PoliticMO editor, explains the arrangement worked out between supporters of Mitt Romney and Ron Paul to crush Rick Santorum's momentum:


  1. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Eli,I was at the caucus. The title of this interview,"Missouri caucus arrangement.........explained" does not make sense. You did not explain a thing. Your answer that people did not understand the rules more accurately applies to you. Let me explain what happened. It's simple.

    The Romney and Paul people got together and agreed to develop a slate of delegates and then introduce motions to elect this slate delegates thus preventing Santorum from getting 65% of the delegates, equal to the 65% of the popular vote Santorum got in the Presidential Primary election.

    If you want to be in the information business, the least you can do is try to get the information correct.

    If you want to provide some accurate information, publish the names of the Romney and Paul leaders who pulled off this scam. I'll bet Nodler was one of them

  2. As an American citizen I have lost all respect for the Ron Paul campaign. The high brow candidacy has devolved into one of a man running a Trojan Horse campaign to get his son Rand Paul a spot on a Romney Presidential ticket. And the only way he can do it is by corrupting the process and thwarting the will of actual American voters who chose someone other than himself and/or Romney. Rick Santorum won a majority of the votes of actual Missouri citizens. However, in the delegation selection process, the Paul and Romney campaigns combined forces to deny Santorum proportional representation in delegates to the Republican convention. Is this how politics is supposed to work? Political gamesmanship by the Paul campaign and RNC establishment elites in effect elevated Romney to a status that he could not have otherwise achieved and demoted Santorum and thereby undermining Missouri citizens who actually voted for Santorum. Ron Paul has in effect made a deal with the devil in an unholy alliance with the most fundamentally dishonest, fraudulent, hollow, shape-shifting political chameleon who ever sought the Presidency in this land in Mitt Romney. His motive? To advance the interests of the American people? NO, to advance the political agenda of his family and in particular his son.
