Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ron Paul, Romney supporters team in Greene County, outflank Santorum

Rick Santorum may have won the Missouri primary, but from the results across Missouri, it appears that Ron Paul supporters were ready for the caucuses.

KY3 reports that Paul came out of the Greene County caucuses with a majority of the votes, striking a deal with Mitt Romney supporters that virtually shut out Santorum:

From the moment the doors opened at 8 a.m., it was clear supporters of candidate Ron Paul were playing for keeps.  Many wore hunter orange, with the ring leaders sporting Secret Service-style listening devices in their ears tied to two-way radios.  Long time party members commented more than once that they had never seen so many young people at a Republican caucus. 
Ten hours later, when the the caucus was gaveled to a close, Paul had collected 65 delegates, an overwhelming majority of Greene County's 111 delegates going to the next round of caucuses.  Rick Santorum got six. 


  1. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Ron Paul voted against the new Free-Speech Restricted zones . He was 1 of 3 to do so ...

    It's interesting that a Ron Paul supporter was arrested for his first amendment use of free speech and right to assemble .

    This should show everyone something is up in our government !

  2. Something is up in our government..??? You mean similar to people getting arrested right and left- during the eight, long, w years.... Some, just for wearing a t-shirt .....!
