Thursday, March 29, 2012

Steelman fundraising pitch: Help me win the horse race

In her latest fundraising pitch, U. S. Senate candidate Sarah Steelman asks for money to help her build momentum.

Help me send a message to Claire McCaskill, Washington,D.C., Barack Obama – and the news media!

In just a few days, I have to report my campaign fundraising for the first three months of 2012. Based on these filings, reporters produce “horse race” stories about who is winning – or losing – the fundraising race.  These quarterly reports are important to building momentum for the tough race ahead.

Help me win the fundraising race for this quarter!

Please donate $10, $25, $50, or whatever you can, so we can send a message to the media, McCaskill and her friends in Washington -- including President Obama.

Missouri needs a fighter in the Senate, someone who can appeal to grassroots Missourians like you who are fed up with Washington, D.C. and the failed agenda of Obama and McCaskill.

This fundraising report is important. My campaign treasurer told me today that we are $11,350 away from meeting our quarterly fundraising goal.  Your contribution today will help us meet this important goal and ensure we have the resources to defeat Claire McCaskill.

Please send your donation today. I promise they will get the message!

Thank you so much for your support. 
Sarah Steelman

P.S.  All the latest polls show me in the strongest position to defeat Claire McCaskill.  Your contribution is important, and can go a long way to ensure that we win the election and send a strong conservative to the U.S. Senate.  Please donate today!

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