Wednesday, May 16, 2012

City manager's Joplin Tornado book available

You can order copies of Joplin City Manager Mark Rohr's book, Joplin: Miracle of the Human Spirit," from the ad on the right hand side of this page.

The 260-page book is described in this way on its Amazon site:

Mark Rohr's book, Joplin: The Miracle of the Human Spirit provides an honest, day-to-day account of the responsibilities and decisions he had to make as Joplin's City Manager, including his personal role in assisting victims of the storm. The book is also a tribute to the 161 lives lost due to the storm and is a heartfelt 'thank you' to the thousands of volunteers who came and continue to come to Joplin. Some said it would take a miracle for Joplin to rise again. The citizens of Joplin showed the world what miracles look like in the form of real courage, determination, and compassion Joplin is a miracle of the human spirit. 'City Manager, Mark Rohr's book, Joplin: The Miracle of the Human Spirit  vividly recounts the quick thinking, the recovery process, and plan of rebuilding that was necessary to secure Joplin's future.' Kit Bond, US Senator (Ret), Missouri

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