Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Guilty plea appears close in latest Kanakuk sex case

Online Taney County Circuit Court documents indicate an Auburn, Ala., man may be about to plead guilty to sex charges involving underaged boys.

The arraignment for Lee Bradberry, 22, a former Kanakuk counselor, scheduled for May 14, was canceled. indicates a disposition hearing, usually indicating sentencing, is set for 9 a.m. June 11.

On April 11, Bradberry's attorney, J. Eric Mitchell, filed a motion to shorten time, indicating that his client might be ready for a plea.

Bradberry is charged with two counts of statutory sodomy, two counts of sexual molestation and single counts of sexual misconduct and attempted statutory sodomy, all involving underage boys who were under his charge as a counselor at Kanakuk Kamps in Branson.

Bradberry is the second Kanakuk staffer to face charges involving underage boys in the past three years. Pete Newman is serving two life sentences after pleading guilty in 2010.

Bradberry is free on $100,000 bond.


  1. Let’s hope that every person who saw, suspected or suffered crimes by Lee Bradberry, will find the courage and strength to speak up, call police, expose wrongdoing, protect kids and start healing.

    Judy Jones, SNAP Midwest Associate Director, USA, 636-433-2511
    (SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, is the world's oldest and largest support group for clergy abuse victims.
    SNAP was founded in 1988 and has more than 12,000 members. Despite the word "priest" in our title, we have members who were molested by religious figures of all denominations, including nuns, rabbis, bishops, and Protestant ministers and increasingly, victims who were assaulted in a wide range of institutional settings like summer camps, athletic programs, Boy Scouts, etc. Our website is

  2. Let’s hope that every person who saw, suspected or suffered crimes by Lee Bradberry, will find the courage and strength to speak up, call police, expose wrongdoing, protect kids and start healing.

    Judy Jones, SNAP Midwest Associate Director, USA, 636-433-2511
    (SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, is the world's oldest and largest support group for clergy abuse victims.
    SNAP was founded in 1988 and has more than 12,000 members. Despite the word "priest" in our title, we have members who were molested by religious figures of all denominations, including nuns, rabbis, bishops, and Protestant ministers and increasingly, victims who were assaulted in a wide range of institutional settings like summer camps, athletic programs, Boy Scouts, etc. Our website is

  3. Anonymous8:33 PM

    I have a son this age, and can't imagine him going away to prison for the rest of his life...But if this Lee Bradberry did in fact commit these crimes against children, then he should be given the same as Pete Newman. What a sicko.

    Joe White/Kanakuk: 1999 & 2003 would've been good times for you to have stopped this ball from rolling. But you didn't. And now you won't even admit that you wouldn't. What will it take for you to admit your negligence. which opened the door for all of this. Blood is on your hands, whether you see it/show it or not.

  4. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Agree with anonymous. It is time for Kanakuk to step up to the plate and admit their role in this tragedy. What happened to the new policy.....staff will NOT be alone with a camper. Lee obviously did not follow this policy. Being betrayed and deceived is so hard on young boys to heal many families are still dealing with all of this pain from Pete. Now this with Lee. Wish the civil suit on kamp was sooner than summer of 2013.

  5. Lee Bradberry was my good friend. And I was very shocked. But then again don't we all have/used to have this one problem. We are all human. And im not saying what he did was not wrong or bad. But in no way is he a sicko or a monster. And with help I'm sure Lee can turn things around. He's a very good guy. I hope he learns and wish the best for him.

  6. Hi Cole. Thanks for stopping by. This is not the place or time for discussing the relative merits of sin. Lee abused kids.

  7. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Randy - am i reading the docket correctly? Did Mr Bradberry plead guilty today? We are very sad to see this tragedy play out in this young man's life.

  8. No guilty plea. He waived his preliminary hearing and will be arraigned July 12 in the trial division.

  9. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Many son was very close to this guy. He has obviously lost the ability to be anywhere near my family. I do not blame Kanakuk Kampa. This has hurt a lot of people including the staff of kamp. It's amazing how those people that dislike or don't understand something want to throw everything they have negative at it. Kanakuk lamps is a wonderful place that serves thousands of children and families every year. Of all the years it has had a few very bad apples and now people want to see it
    Gone. What about public schools? Are we ready to attack all schools and principles? I don't think so

  10. Anonymous2:06 PM

    This kid got abused by Pete Newman only a few years ago, both at this camp and at his school. It's the classic cycle of abuse. Judging from the brazen in the open and immature nature of his reported behavior, I think he wanted to get caught. I hope he can get the help he needs. His actions are in no way justified, But he's f#%^ed up, not a monster. He is not on the same level as Pete Newman, nor was the level of his abuse or manipulation. It's very sad for everyone involved.
