Monday, May 21, 2012

John Deere endorses John Brunner

(From John Brunner's U. S. Senate campaign)

Today, John Deere PAC, the political action committee of the iconic John Deere tractor company, endorses John Brunner as the best candidate to be Missouri’s next U.S. Senator. The John Deere PAC, which is funded solely by the company’s employees, chose Brunner because they believe he is the best candidate to support their manufacturing and agribusiness interests in the U.S. Senate.

After a long career as a manufacturer and job creator, John Brunner stands alone in Missouri's U.S. Senate race as the one candidate with a unique understanding of how regulations are killing growth and making it increasingly difficult for Missourians ranging from small business owners to family farmers to operate.

The John Deere PAC endorsement comes on the heels of endorsements from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and FreedomWorks, further demonstrating Brunner’s statewide appeal and support as the best candidate to beat Sen. Claire McCaskill in November and represent Missourians in the Senate.

“With agriculture the largest industry in Missouri, I am proud to earn the endorsement of the John Deere PAC,” Republican U.S. Senate Candidate John Brunner said. “I will fight against absurd EPA mandates, such as regulating farm dust, and will work tirelessly to repeal regulations in place that are crippling Missouri’s agribusiness. There’s positive opportunity for Missouri’s agribusiness if onerous regulations are repealed and if the federal government would eliminate barriers to trade that are preventing Missouri’s farmers from exporting their crops to international markets.”

In addition to the John Deere PAC, other agricultural leaders in Missouri recognize that John Brunner is the best choice for the U.S. Senate and uniquely qualified to promote Missouri’s agribusiness and get our economy turned around.

"John has spent months listening to the concerns of Missouri farmers and ranchers. He’ll be a strong advocate for rural Missouri in the United States Senate. Agriculture will have a true champion with John Brunner in Washington," said Katie Smith, former Director of the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

"John's understanding of the challenges that small businesses like farmers face every day, will make him invaluable in the U.S. Senate,” said Dale Ludwig, Executive Director/CEO Missouri Soybean Association.

"John Brunner understands that just like many other industries in America, government regulation of farmers is out of control and Claire McCaskill has been part of the problem," said Keith Witt, owner of Witt Farms in Warrenton, Missouri and past president of the Missouri Corn Growers Association.  "Having John Brunner as Missouri's next U.S. Senator would be a welcome change for the farmers who work hard to keep agriculture the number one industry in our state."

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