Thursday, May 10, 2012

Missouri GOP: Nixon real estate deal raises red flags

(From the Missouri Republican Party)

The Missouri Republican Party is calling on Jay Nixon to release details of the sale of his former Jefferson City home just days after it was revealed that Nixon sold the house to a campaign donor. 
On Tuesday, the St Louis Beacon reported that Nixon sold his house in 2010 to Peter Hofherr.  Hofherr, the owner of the St James Winery and former Director of the Missouri Department of Agriculture, and his winery have contributed thousands of dollars to Nixon and the Missouri Democratic Party.
After Hofherr bought Nixon’s house, Nixon appointed him to serve on Board of Governors of Missouri State University.  Interestingly, despite living in Nixon’s former house in the current 4th Congressional District, Nixon appointed Hofherr the Board as a representative of the 8th District.
To avoid suspicion, Nixon should release the details of the sale, including how long the house stayed on the market and the final sale price of the house.
“Whenever a politician such as Jay Nixon gets involved in real estate transactions with a campaign donor, it raises red flags,” said Lloyd Smith, Executive Director of the Missouri Republican Party. “The poor economy has wreaked havoc on the housing market, causing housing prices to tumble and often leaving property on the market for months or even years—but Jay Nixon didn’t seem to have any problem unloading his house in 2010.  Unfortunately, most Missourians don’t have campaign donors who will bail them out.  Jay Nixon needs to come clean and be honest with Missourians about this suspicious transaction.”

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