Monday, May 14, 2012

Oxford: Women everywhere wronged by Rush Limbaugh induction

(From Rep. Jeanette Mott Oxford, D-St. Louis)

“Last week, after a heated debate about an amendment that would bar the existence of the Sue Shear Institute for Women and Public Life, House GOP elected leadership presented flowers and a resolution in honor of Mother’s Day to all women members of the House. This was already vaguely reminiscent of the experiences of many abused women since candy and bouquets often follow a shove down the stairs and a black eye.

“Now women everywhere – along with a long list of additional targets of his vicious tirades - have been wronged by the induction of Rush Limbaugh into the Hall of Famous Missourians. Why is Speaker Tilley unable to grasp how grossly inappropriate Limbaugh is as a choice for this honor? According to a quote in the Associated Press, Speaker Tilley said the things Limbaugh says that strike a nerve do not undo everything he has accomplished in his career. What has Limbaugh accomplished that has any socially redeeming value and that merits inclusion in the Hall of Famous Missourians?

“Limbaugh has built his entire career on the use of hate-filled language. Thousands of school children tour the State Capitol Building every year. What message do they receive when public officials honor a man who calls a young women ‘slut’ and ‘prostitute’ for simply disagreeing with him on a public health issue? Those who have a say about public spaces in the Capitol Building owe it to Missouri’s women and Missouri’s children to make sure that the Limbaugh bust is never on public display.”

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