Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Richard casts vote for anti-teacher bill

Count Sen. Ron Richard, R-Joplin, among those favoring a bill that would eliminate consideration of seniority as a factor when school districts have to layoff teachers.

HB 1526 was approved Monday by the Senate's General Laws Committee by a 5-1 vote, with Richard joining Committee Chairman Jane Cunningham (naturally), and senators Chuck Purgason, Luann Ridgeway, and Rob Schaaf, all Republicans voting in favor of the bill.

The sole dissenting vote was cast by Sen. Brian Munzlinger, R-Williamstown.

The bill moves to the full Senate.

Missouri NEA issued an action alert in its latest legislative update:

The perfected HCS/HB 1526 damages the reduction in force (RIF) requirements by undermining respect for certification, experience and commitment to the district, while forcing districts to create an entirely new system to determine layoff priorities and leaving districts vulnerable to various legal challenges in implementing this new, untested mandate.  

The Association strongly opposes the bill.   

An extremist group known as Students First, centered in Sacramento, California, has hired numerous lobbyists in Missouri and is pushing the various changes in tenure and evaluation policy contained in the various versions of HB 1526 and in SB 806 (Jane Cunningham).  

ACTION NEEDED:  YOUR HELP IS NEEDED!  IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY DONE SO, please call, write or e-mail to urge your state senator to oppose HCS/HB 1526. 

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