Saturday, May 05, 2012

Tilley: Democrats deserve better than Turner Report slander

Friday night, I posted a story on the money being given to Missouri legislators by the Michelle Rhee group Students First, including contributions to Minority Leader Mike Talboy, D-Kansas City, and Penny Hubbard, D-St. Louis, who were among those who provided the one-vote margin by which HB 1526, which eliminates seniority as a consideration when schools have to lay off teachers.

This morning, I received a response on Facebook from Speaker of the House Steve Tilley that I will print in its entirety with no commentary added:

If I agreed with your premise of your story, which I do not, but assume I do for a moment...Why don't you show the thousands of dollars spent on the other side to defeat this bill from anti-reform groups (NEA, MSTA, etc.) 
Did they buy the no votes? I'm sure you believe they voted no on principle and conviction. I think that same respect should be given to yes votes. The Dems that voted yes are good people and even though I disagree with them daily, they deserve better than your slander. Randy, you are a good writer and an insightful person. Just because they disagree with you does not make them unethical.

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