Monday, May 07, 2012

Video: Teachers are the ones bullying our kids

Another anti-teacher advertisement launched online and in six states, including Missouri:

This one comes from the State Government Leadership Foundation, which is generally affiliated with the Republican Party.

The group issued the following news release:

The teachers unions have more influence on our nation's public school systems than any other entity – all the while being one of the biggest political contributors to candidates at the state and local levels- and they use this influence to block real education reform. These organizations and their leaders are using their power and money to defend the status quo in our public schools. Despite having in effect a "veto like" authority on education policy, there is little to no evidence that the teachers unions have improved education in this country over the last 50 years.
In fact, state by state, the evidence to the contrary is quite clear.
To begin, many of our nation's largest school districts are failing to graduate even half of their students, which is completely unacceptable. Evidence shows that if we could replace the bottom 5-10 percent of teachers even with an average teacher – not a superstar – we could dramatically improve student achievement. Although the typical teacher is hard working and effective – teachers unions are more interested in maintaining the status quo and protecting the worst teachers, rather than incentivizing excellence and rewarding success.
It is imperative that we move beyond the self-serving policies of the teachers unions and their political cronies who mindlessly follow their dictates. Our country's future depends on our kids, and our kids depend on us now to put them first and stand up "bullies" who claim to speak for them but serve only themselves.
J. Christopher Jankowski
Executive Director, SGLF
That last line appears to make it sound as if this is some grassroots organization rather than another well-funded campaign against public education financed by those who have spent years tearing it down under the name of "reform."

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