Friday, June 29, 2012

Adopt-A-Neighborhood meeting set for July 11

(From the City of Joplin)

City officials will host an Adopt-A-Neighborhood meeting at 2 p.m. meeting on Wednesday, July 11, in the Basement Conference Room of Joplin City Hall, 602 South Main. The City’s Adopt-A-Neighborhood program is an organized effort for interested residents, volunteers, businesses, faith-based groups and other groups to help clean up neighborhood areas of Joplin.
The first meeting of the program was held in June with many attending to show their support and willingness to help in the cause. Organizing this program is Connie Chrisman in the Planning Community Development division. Chrisman has worked with community volunteers for a number of years and was pleased with the showing.
“We have great citizens willing to help their fellow neighbors,” she said. “This was never more evident than following the tornado. We continue to have this support and now have others wanting to help in areas throughout Joplin. This program helps to organize the efforts.”
Chrisman will provide various tips and suggestions to those working in neighborhoods, and will address questions about dumpsters, the Tool Lending Library operated by the City, and how to get fellow neighbors involved, as well as seeking assistance for elderly needing help with lawn-mowing and other light yard duties.
Those interested in helping with this effort are welcome to attend this meeting and learn more, or call Connie Chrisman at 417-624-0820, ext. 570.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Randy, I am not a Joplinite, of course, but I was picking up trash this afternoon (6/29) at and around the site of the former South Middle School in lieu of successfully hooking up with a faith-based group working on a house somewhere. That's basically where it all began for me a year ago, but this certainly sounds like a worthy project for the city to undertake. I am hopeful that Joplinites will respond enthusiastically to this opportunity. Rick Nichols, Leavenworth, KS.
