Thursday, July 26, 2012

NRA gives Brad Lager top ranking

Sen. Brad Lager, R-Savannah, has a new endorsement in his run for lieutenant governor. As the accompanying letter shows, Lager received the top ranking given by the National Rifle Association.


  1. Anonymous7:31 PM

    "And remember, Missouri citizens, if you forget to bring your photo ID to the polling place on election day, just show us your official NRA membership card and we'll be more than happy to let you vote. After all, what's good for the NRA is good for America!" Or something like that. Rick Nichols

  2. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Anyone the NRA come out strongly for then I know they are sold out to the gun toters. The NRA is a sorry outfit, they worship the likes of Karl Rove and GW.....still.

    If Lager's ads are not enough to turn you against him, this endorsement by the NRA should just do it.
