Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hartzler: Hit the road, Todd

Add Fourth District Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler to those calling for Todd Akin to drop out of the U. S. Senate race. The following news release was issued this evening.

Vicky Hartzler stated today, "Like many Missourians, I found Congressman Akin's comments baffling, disturbing and misinformed. Over the last few days I have attempted to communicate with him personally; however, my repeated attempts have been unsuccessful. Due to the serious nature of this issue, I hope and pray he will make the right decision for himself, his family and our country and follow the advice of Senators Blunt, Bond, Ashcroft, Talent and Danforth."

1 comment:

  1. Aren't Vickie's positions the same as Todd's?

    Vickie was a co-sponsor on HR3, as was every MO GOP rep.

    Her words don't match her actions.

    I think the GOP want to get rid of Todd so the story will go know, like Todd was a bad apple and we got rid of him.
