Thursday, August 30, 2012

Missouri GOP chairman: Romney is the leader we desperately need

(From the Missouri Republican Party)
David Cole, Chairman of the Missouri Republican Party, released this statement following Gov Mitt Romney’s speech to the Republican National Convention:
“This election presents a choice between two competing visions for our nation’s future, and over the past three days, Republicans have taken our case to the American people. We’ve highlighted President Obama’s multiple failures, which have resulted in the weakest economic recovery since the Great Depression, and we’ve presented a hopeful alternative in the Romney-Ryan ticket.
“Tonight’s speech by Mitt Romney makes it clear that he is exactly the leader our country and our people desperately need at this moment in our history.  He has a deep respect for free enterprise, and he understands what it takes to create jobs and opportunity.  Mitt Romney believes in America—and instead of trying to remake the nation, he will rebuild it while remaining true to our founding principles.”

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