Friday, August 24, 2012

Washington Post: Democrats hoping Akin remarks will reverberate outside Missouri

An article in today's Washington Post explores the hope of Democrats nationwide that Todd Akin's "legitimate rape" remarks will have an effect on races outside of Missouri:

Akin has apologized for using the “wrong word,” but he has stood by his larger point that abortion should be illegal in all instances, including rape.
That has forced other GOP candidates to face tough questions about their own positions on abortion as local media outlets have highlighted Democratic efforts to pull Akin into their own races.
“A lot of districts we need to win this fall are suburban districts, and this kind of ideological extremism doesn’t play well there,” said Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spokesman Jesse Ferguson.
Democrats believe the remark can provide (Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth) Warren a particular boost. They are emphasizing to left-leaning Massachusetts voters who might find Brown appealing that a vote for him means backing a Republican majority in Washington.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for that great article.
