Friday, September 21, 2012

Spence campaign manager: Spence won first debate with Nixon, also says Nixon lost the debate

(From the Spence for Governor campaign)

Dave Spence made clear in the first gubernatorial debate that Jay Nixon has been a failed governor, taking the state in the wrong direction with a dismal record on jobs and the economy. 

                Dave Spence campaign manager Jared Craighead today issued the following statement:

                “Dave Spence was the clear winner in the first debate, keeping Jay Nixon off-balance and on the defensive with the facts about Missouri’s struggling economy,” said Jared Craighead.  “Missourians today heard Jay Nixon make the outrageously false claim that his administration is making ‘solid progress’ on the economy despite the fact that Missouri’s economy is the worst in the region. Missourians don’t believe 50,000 fewer Missourians employed is solid progress.  They don’t believe 100,000 workers dropping out of the workforce is solid progress.  They don’t believe one in six Missourians being on food stamps is solid progress.  They don’t believe over 50,000 kids trapped in failing schools is solid progress.  Missourians are clearly worse off than they were four years ago due to the failed leadership of Jay Nixon.  They are looking for a new direction with a proven job creator who will bring bold vision to the governor’s office to get Missourians’ back to work and Missouri’s economy back on track. Dave Spence offers this leadership and vision."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Spence is in for a real surprise when the votes are counted. He's another right wing nut case.
