Friday, November 16, 2012

Billy Long: Joplin city manager deserved award

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

U.S. Rep. Billy Long issued the following statement in recognition of Joplin City Manager Mark Rohr being honored by GOVERNING magazine as one of its Public Officials of the Year:
            “The Joplin community was changed forever on May 22, 2011, when a destructive tornado devastated the community.  The eyes of the world were watching and under the leadership of Mark the Joplin community showed what it means to help your neighbors in their greatest time of need.  Mark has demonstrated great leadership and compassion as Joplin continues to rebuild, and I can think of no other person more deserving of this honor.”
            GOVERNING magazine has been honoring state and local government officials with its Public Official of the Year award since 1994.


  1. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Billy Long might no longer be "fed up", but I am. Our city manager has repeatedly told the Joplin Glob that 75-80% of the homes damaged or destroyed by the tornado have either been rebuilt or have permits to do so. Now a TIF district is necessary to make sure the other 15-20% is accomplished? Oh wait, the tax money won't go to our school, but to the downtown area which wasn't even damaged, and to whatever projects our "Master developer" deems appropriate. A massive amount of tax money will be placed not in our school district but go to the city's redevelopment corporation. Does Long not notice the farm smell, that he effuses coming from both sides of the mouth of our city manager?

  2. Anonymous1:53 PM

    "Does Long not notice the farm smell, that he effuses coming from both sides of the mouth of our city manager?"

    That's the smell of money!

    bILLY wANTS hIM Sum!

    Gotsta feed them cows beforin youze can pull them teats! Cain't be no money out befor they'se money in. Every poker player knows a fat hog gots to feed.
