Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Vultures circle: Attorney for survivor of Sandy Hook shooting plans $100 million lawsuit

(Update: The lawyer in this video has withdrawn his effort to sue the state of Connecticut.)

We all saw this coming, but not quite so soon.

In the accompanying video, the lawyer for a six-year-old survivor of the Shady Hook massacre, explains why he is suing the state of Connecticut for $100 million.

The lawsuit does not target the estate of the man who pulled the trigger (no money there most likely) nor does it target gun manufacturers (those lawsuits have been made more difficult in recent years).

Instead, the lawyer is laying the blame at the door of the state for not having people in the schools trained to handle these situations. I am sure his client was traumatized by the experience, but this kind of lawsuit is what gives lawyers bad reputations and could end up having teachers and school officials do more and more things that have nothing to do with either educating or protecting children, and more to do with keeping vultures like this from filing frivolous lawsuits.

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