Thursday, March 28, 2013

Ellington: GOP vote to turn down federal funds cutting off Missouri's nose to spite its face

In this news release, Rep. Brandon Ellington, D-Kansas City, criticizes the House vote rejecting a Medicaid expansion funded by federal dollars.
“Expanding Medicaid eligibility under the federal Affordable Care Act should be an easy decision for every Missouri lawmaker. Over the next several years, it would leverage $8.2 billion in federal investment in our state to spur an additional $9.6 billion in private economic activity, create 24,000 new jobs and provide financial relief to vulnerable rural hospitals. The federal government would pay the full cost of the expansion for the first three years, with the state chipping in no more than 10 percent of the cost thereafter. And the economic boom created by the expansion would generate new state tax revenue that would more than pay for Missouri’s eventual costs.
 “By repeatedly voting against jobs, economic growth and rural hospitals with as much contempt as they can muster, House Republicans are stubbornly cutting off Missouri’s nose to spite its face. Their intransigence notwithstanding, the choice remains a simple one: Expand Medicaid and reap the benefits of new jobs and economic growth or forgo expansion and face the consequences of fewer jobs and closed rural hospitals.”


  1. Worn slick6:58 PM

    Unbelievable, do you not think other states will utilize these funds? The American taxpayer is funding this, why not get our share? Pure political posturing, common sense be damned.

  2. Anonymous4:01 AM

    I may be the odd man out here but I am an American taxpayer and I'm getting tired of all the spending.

  3. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Recent reports state that "Obama Care" is going to cost considerably more than first reported. How can we continue to spend money that we don't have?

  4. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Our Federal taxes will NOT be decreased if MO rejects the Medicaid expansion. Changing the Medicaid expansion from the original ObamaCare concept will muddy the waters, making the accountability and capability to compare MO to other States impossible. Opponents of ObamaCare WANT it to fail, and want to help it fail. IF it fails, let it be on it's own merits. It is prudent and wise to implement and expand Medicaid NOW - focus on liveable wages and jobs in MO NOW - adjust Medicaid IF NEEDED 3 yrs from now. The Welfare of the People is the Supreme Law (our State motto).
