Thursday, March 21, 2013

Tim Jones in Joplin: The poor aren't paying their fair share

Speaker of the House Tim Jones, R-Eureka, made some news when he stopped by Joplin Monday, though you wouldn't have known it by the way it was played in the Joplin Globe.

During Jones' visit, which was buried on page six, he explained what were referred to on the page one plug as "business ideas."

Apparently, Jones' biggest business idea is to cut taxes for those who have money because those who don't have any are being let off too easy.

Jones, of course, is one of those who would dearly love to replace Missouri's income tax with higher sales taxes.

"People who can afford to should pay," (Jones) said, "but shifting to more of a consumption tax would include people who aren't paying income taxes."

Apparently, it has not occurred to the speaker that the reason they aren't paying any income tax, is because they don't make enough money.

During his visit, Jones also indicated he had no use for the minimum wage, saying that the marketplace should set wages.

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