Wednesday, April 03, 2013

House committee approves bill attacking teacher tenure, mandating use of test scores for pay

The House Elementary and Secondary Education, by a 13-10 vote Tuesday, approved HB 631, which attacks teacher tenure and requires that at least one-third of teacher evaluations be based on students' test scores, but not before making sure that charter schools will not have to face the same rules.

According to an NEA legislative update:

The bill would impose intrusive state mandates on the evaluation, hiring, promotion, firing, layoff and compensation of public school teachers. One provision requires at least one-third of teachers' evaluations to be based on student test scores on state assessments.  

Reps. Elaine Gannon, Lyle Rowland and Mike Thomson again joined the minority caucus members in standing up for students and public schools and opposing this harmful bill.  

The Association strongly opposes this massive imposition of unproven mandates and elimination of local control and decision-making.  The bill would interfere with the piloting of new teacher and administrator evaluation systems all over the state.


  1. Anonymous2:39 PM

    That Lyle Rowland, ain't he a deal? He is the retired Sup-in attend-dunce at Kirbyville who was a sorry excuse for a school leader who is now siding with the teachers. Good for him.

  2. Anonymous8:03 AM

    If they are going to pass such asinine bills then it should apply to all schools, not just public schools, especially if you are going to try to get public tax money for charter schools.
